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Legislative Scorecard

Ranking Our Legislators’ Commitment to Workers’ Rights and An Economy That Works for All

The 131st Maine Legislature convened at a time when public support for unions is at an all time high. Workers are increasingly taking collective action to win better wages, safer workplaces and a voice on the job. As working people, we look to the Legislature to::

  • Take action to protect all workers, our families and communities;
  • Reflect our core values of solidarity and economic justice;
  • Enact laws to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.

This legislative scorecard seeks to capture the votes that were of the greatest importance to working people in the first session of the 131st Maine Legislature (2023). It provides information on those bills and lets you know how your legislators voted.

Our Legislative Committee and Executive Board carefully reviewed all the bills that came before the State Legislature and selected which bills to work on and to score. We hope you find the scorecard useful and that you will use it to hold your state legislators accountable.

About the AFL-CIO

The Maine AFL-CIO is a statewide federation of more than 200 labor unions in Maine. We represent more than 40,000 Maine workers and retirees delivering public services or working at paper mills, shipyards, hospitals, construction sites, nonprofits, utilities, and in many other industries. We represent these workers and their families at the Legislature, and we organize together, year-round, for workers’ rights and economic justice.