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Legislative Scorecard

LD1257 -


An Act Regarding Labor Contracts for Public Works Projects

LD1257 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Sen. Debra Plowman (R – Hampden)

What is the bill?

This was one of several cases this session where legislators would have been better off had they followed the wise advice that if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. LD 1257 banned project labor agreements (PLAs) on public works construction projects - publicly funded State projects over $50,000 on things like roads, bridges, airports, sewers, etc. A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a business model that increases the efficiency and quality of construction projects for the private and public sector and ensures good working conditions. It is a pre-hire, project-wide negotiated agreement to set terms and conditions of employment usually on large, complex, long duration construction projects. While Maine has had PLAs on private construction projects, there has never been a PLA on a public works construction project in the state. This begs the questi on why are legislators banning PLAs. If private sector companies see fit to use this economic development model, why wouldn’t Maine keep this tool in its toolbox? An outright State ban on PLAs also violates Federal law. Our efforts to defeat this bill resulted in it being changed, but an amended version ultimately passed and became law.

What happened?
