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Legislative Scorecard

LD 1895 - Offshore Wind & Ports


An Act Regarding the Procurement of Energy From Offshore Wind Resources

LD 1895 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Senator Mark Lawrence

What is the bill?

Climate change poses serious threats like warming oceans, rising sea levels, extreme weather and more. Unions in Maine have been developing a vision to address accelerating climate change and deepening inequality by passing legislation to support thousands of new union jobs in the clean energy sector. This historic offshore wind jobs legislation protects critical fishing grounds and puts Maine on a path to clean energy independence. LD 1895 requires that any offshore wind project and port must be built under strong, industry- leading labor standards, including Project Labor Agreements and other benchmarks that prohibit temporary workers and independent contractors. It mandates that workers are paid unions’ collectively bargained total package rate with comparable health and retirement benefits, safety training, and participation in registered apprenticeship programs.

What happened?

Enacted into Law (Passed by the Legislature, Signed by the Governor)



20 Pro-labor 13 Anti-labor


74 Pro-labor 68 Anti-labor