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Legislative Scorecard

LD1762 - Revenue Sharing


An Act Related to the Report of the Tax Expenditure Review Task Force

LD1762 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

What is the bill?

For years, the State of Maine has shared funding from state sales tax revenue with municipalities to help fund our local cities and towns. Governor LePage’s 2013 budget made huge cuts to revenue sharing, leaving our cities and towns with major budget shortfalls. Most towns have already faced years of deep cuts. Municipalities were in the position of either raising property taxes or cutting services like schools, road maintenance, and public safety. This would mean further job loss for teachers, fire fighters and others and the loss of the crucial services they provide for all of us. Maine workers and towns demanded the Legislature restore some of this funding, which they significantly did. This was critical for our communities, good public services and the workers who provide them.

What happened?

Enacted (Passed by Legislature, Became law without Governor’s Signature)
