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Legislative Scorecard

LD516 -


An Act to Amend Maine Law to Conform with Federal Law Regarding Employment Practices for Certain Minors

LD516 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by Sen. Debra Plowman (R – Hampden)

What is the bill?

LD 516 rolled back Maine’s child labor laws. These laws were designed to improve workplace safety for minors and to strike a balance between receiving a quality education and gaining valuable work experience. Rolling back such protections tips the scales and hurts our kids chances of succeeding. This bill would have eliminated restrictions on teen work hours, including repealing limits on how late teens can work. Aft er amendments, the final bill increased the number of hours teens can work from 20 to 24-hours per school week and from 4 to 6-hours on a school day. Another child labor bill, LD 1346, sponsored by Rep. David C. Burns (R - Whiting), would have established a sub-minimum wage of $5.25 per hour for workers under the age of 20 during their first 180 days of employment. LD 1346 was defeated without a roll call vote.

What happened?
