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Legislative Scorecard

LD443 - Workers' Comp


An Act To Amend the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act of 1992 To Provide Benefits to Seriously Injured Workers

LD443 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Sen. Troy Jackson (D – Allagash)

What is the bill?

Workers’ Compensation systems were formed in a grand compromise-- employers would not be held responsible for workplace injuries or deaths, and in turn, injured workers would be provided with medical care and speedy compensation for on-the-job injuries. In 2012, the Legislature tipped the balance by significantly weakening Maine’s workers’ compensation laws, leaving seriously injured workers in jeopardy. LD 443 would have given injured workers the economic security they deserve and would have repealed some of the worst changes of the 2012 law. It was passed on party lines and then vetoed by Governor LePage.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Vetoed by Governor LePage)
