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Legislative Scorecard

LD1641 - Workers’ Compensation


An Act To Amend the Workers’ Compensation Laws as They Pertain to Employee Representation

LD1641 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Senator John Patrick (D – Oxford)

What is the bill?

LD 1641 was a modest change to the Workers’ Compensation law so that an injured worker who is seeing an employer selected healthcare provider can have someone accompany them —that could be their husband or wife, a friend, a union representative or someone else. This is important so that an injured worker can have support and a witness to what is said in the visit, which can often later be disputed. The bill was amended in committee, and the new version would have expanded the list of statements that are inadmissible in proceedings under the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act to include statements obtained during continued questioning of an employee by an investigator, employer or an employer’s representative after that employee’s request to have a representative of the employee’s choice present has been denied. The bill passed the Legislature but was vetoed by Governor Paul LePage.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Vetoed by Gov. LePage)
