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Legislative Scorecard

LD 1794 - Forced Overtime


An Act to Enhance the Predictability of Mandated Overtime for Pulp or Paper Manufacturing Facility Employees

LD 1794 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by President Troy Jackson

What is the bill?

Workers at paper mills in Maine are being forced to work overtime, often working 18 - 24 hours straight, which puts an extreme burden on their health and family lives and threatens workplace and public safety. LD 1794 initially would have put clear restrictions on forced overtime and then was amended to create a special commission to examine the damaging practice of mandatory overtime in paper mills and recommend solutions, including legislation, to limit forced overtime. LD 1794 was 'pocket vetoed,' which is when a bill dies due to inaction from the Governor after the Legislature adjourns.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by the Legislature, “pocket vetoed” by Governor Mills)



22 Pro-labor 12 Anti-labor


82 Pro-labor 66 Anti-labor