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Legislative Scorecard

LD690 - Unemployment Promptness


An Act To Ensure Efficiency in the Unemployment Insurance System

LD690 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Rep. Erin Herbig (D – Belfast)

What is the bill?

Imagine losing your job through no fault of your own and then waiting weeks or months to begin collecting unemployment insurance. The stack of bills quickly gets higher, and your savings quickly get smaller. Some laid-off workers in Maine were waiting 6-7 weeks for an initial fact finding hearing to determine their eligibility for unemployment insurance. Maine sunk to 50th in the nation for response time to unemployment claims with non-monetary issues. LD 690 calls upon the Department of Labor to address this issue and shorten the length of time laid-off workers are waiting.

What happened?

Passed House and Senate; Carried over
