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Legislative Scorecard

LD 575 - Hypertension & Heart Disease


An Act To Establish a Conditional Presumption of Compensability for Certain Employees in Cases of Impairment from Hypertension or Heart Disease

LD 575 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

What is the bill?

Corrections employees work in an unpredictable and difficult working environment. These law enforcement professionals work under extremely high levels of physical and emotional stress and often deal with disrupted sleep and dietary patterns. These working conditions increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease, heart attack and stroke. LD 575 created a rebuttable presumption that a corrections officer who contracts heart disease or hypertension received that affliction due to employment, ensuring that corrections workers have good health care for these work-related injuries.

What happened?

Became Law (Passed by the Legislature, Signed by Governor



1 Pro-labor 0 Anti-labor