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Legislative Scorecard

LD1343 - Single Payer Universal Health Care


An Act To Establish a Single-payer Health Care System To Be Effective in 2017

LD1343 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Rep. Charlie Priest (D – Brunswick)

What is the bill?

The Maine AFL-CIO supports universal healthcare that makes healthcare a human right and a public good, not a commodity run by for-profit insurance industries. Union members are barely holding on to good health care at the bargaining table—it is getting harder and harder to negotiate affordable and quality benefits and workers are doing so at the expense of wage increases and other improvements. This bill as originally written would have created a publicly funded system to provide healthcare to all Maine people. It was later amended to study the feasibility of such a system. The bill passed with a majority of support but was vetoed by Governor LePage.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Vetoed by Gov. LePage)
