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Legislative Scorecard

LD 2273 - Farmworker Minimum Wage


An Act to Establish a State Minimum Hourly Wage for Agricultural Workers

LD 2273 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross

What is the bill?

In harvesting the food we put on our tables everyday, farmworkers do some of the most valuable work in our society and they deserve dignity and fair wages. Farmworkers are currently excluded from critical labor laws like Maine’s minimum wage and overtime. LD 2273 would have improved wages for farmworkers by making them eligible for the state minimum wage and allowing farm workers the right to take action in court if their wages are stolen. This bill was passed by the Legislature but vetoed by Gov. Mills.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by the Legislature, Vetoed by the Governor)



23 Pro-labor 11 Anti-labor


77 Pro-labor 70 Anti-labor