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Legislative Scorecard

LD1459 - Collective Bargaining Rights for Woods Workers


An Act to Expand Application of the Maine Agricultural Marketing and Bargaining Act of 1973 to Harvesters and Haulers of Forest Products

LD1459 bill text Maine AFL-CIO supported

Sponsored by President Troy Jackson (D-Aroostook)

What is the bill?

For decades, loggers and wood haulers have been at the mercy of powerful timber companies that force them to work extremely long hours, often for low pay and no benefits. As so-called “independent contractors,” loggers have been prohibited under anti-trust laws from banding together to bargain collectively. LD 1459 will allow loggers to form cooperatives and demand better wages and working conditions. The loggers and haulers who led this effort are organizing the New England Loggers Cooperative with the Machinists Union.

What happened?

Enacted into law (Passed by the Legislature, Signed by the Governor)
