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Legislative Scorecard

LD1431 - Right to Work Zones


An Act To Help Facilitate New Career Opportunities and Attract Major Private Investment

LD1431 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by Senator Andre Cushing (R- Penobscot)

What is the bill?

LD 1431 would have created “Right to Work business zones” where union security clauses between workers and employers would be illegal. So-called “Right to Work” bills are designed to weaken unions, depress wages and undercut workers’ ability to negotiate decent contracts. The flawed logic behind LePage’s latest bill is that by weakening collective bargaining rights and lowering wages, along with massive tax breaks for huge companies, Maine could attract large employers to come set up shop. This is a race to the bottom approach, and it’s not smart economic development.

What happened?

