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Legislative Scorecard

LD 2032 - Collective Bargaining Rights


An Act to Improve Maine’s Labor Laws by Changing the Laws Governing Elections of Collective Bargaining Agents for Certain Public Employees

LD 2032 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Senator Mike Tipping

What is the bill?

In 2019 Maine passed a law that requires municipal employers to recognize a union if a majority of workers in the bargaining unit sign union authorization cards, a process known as “card check”. This has made the process for forming public sector unions more efficient and has cut down on union busting. LD 2032 expanded the state’s card check law to include state employees, judicial employees and university, academy and community college employees.

What happened?

Enacted into law (Passed by the Legislature, Signed by the Governor)



85 Pro-labor 55 Anti-labor