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Legislative Scorecard

LD1177 - Binding Arbitration


An Act To Improve Public Sector Labor Relations

LD1177 bill text Maine AFL-CIO supported

Sponsored by President Troy Jackson

What is the bill?

Firefighters, dispatchers, bus drivers and teachers testified in strong support of LD 1177, which would have leveled the playing field for public sector workers in contract negotiations. Currently, if workers and management can’t reach a contract, there is a process of mediation, fact-finding and then arbitration. But arbitration is not binding on wages, insurance and retirement. This stacks the table against working people and makes it harder to improve staffing and the services we all rely on. LD 1177 would have fixed the power imbalance by making arbitration binding on wages, insurance and retirement. Unfortunately, Governor Janet Mills vetoed this priority bill.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by the Legislature, Vetoed by the Governor)
