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Legislative Scorecard

LD1358 - Public Sector Binding Arbitration


An Act To Improve Public Sector Labor Relations

LD1358 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by Sen. Troy Jackson (D - Aroostook)

What is the bill?

The collective bargaining process seeks to address the fundamental power imbalance between a large employer and an individual worker. For that system to work there needs to be a fair set of rules. Current public sector labor law tilts the rules against workers by not allowing public sector workers the right to strike and by not having binding arbitration on economic issues in the public sector. This means that even after an arbitration decision a public sector employer can simply impose on economic issues. This bill sought to level the bargaining playing field by making arbitration binding on economic issues like salary, insurances and retirement. This would improve bargaining and outcomes for all.

What happened?

