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Legislative Scorecard

LD633 - Medicaid Expansion


“An Act To Improve the Health of Maine Citizens and the Economy of Maine by Providing Affordable Market-based Coverage Options to Low-income Uninsured Citizens

LD633 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Saviello (R – Franklin)

What is the bill?

The Maine AFL-CIO believes healthcare is a human right. Despite tens of thousands of vulnerable Mainers not having health insurance coverage, Gov. Paul LePage and his allies have repeatedly opposed efforts to expand Medicaid in our state. This unwillingness to better the quality of life in Maine and grow our economy has been a question of life and death for all too many. Sen. Tom Saviello (R-Franklin) attempted to right this failure of leadership by crafting his own version of previous Medicaid expansion bills. Unfortunately, Republicans on the Health & Human Services Committee refused to support the measure and despite passage in both the Senate and House the bill did not receive enough votes to withstand Gov. LePage’s anticipated veto. LD 633 died in possession of the Appropriations Committee when the Legislature adjourned for the remainder of the 127th Legislature. The Maine AFL-CIO will continue to stand up and fight for healthcare as a human right.

What happened?

