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Legislative Scorecard

LD92 - Raise Minimum Wage


An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage to $8.00 per Hour

LD92 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by Representative Dillon Bates (D-Westbrook)

What is the bill?

Our economy is out of balance. People’s wages and incomes are not keeping up with the rising costs of groceries, childcare, housing and other basics. The problem is rooted in stagnant wages and staggering inequality. Wages for the bottom 70% have been flat since the late 70s, while almost all the gains from the increasing productivity of our workforce have flowed to the top. We can all agree: If you work full-time, you should not live in poverty. But, in Maine minimum wage workers cannot make ends meet on $300 per week for full-time work. It is far past time to raise the minimum wage, and a majority of Maine people agree. LD 92 was one of a number of bills to raise the minimum wage, and was amended to raise Maine’s minimum wage to $9.50 by 2018. While not a living wage, we supported this bill as an important step in raising wages.

What happened?

