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Legislative Scorecard

LD 398 - Farmworker Rights


An Act to Make Agricultual Workers & Other Related Workers Under the Wage & Hour Laws

LD 398 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross

What is the bill?

Farmworkers do difficult work that keeps food on our tables. In Maine these workers are currently excluded from critical labor laws like Maine’s minimum wage and overtime. This bill would have extended minimum wage protections to farmworkers, required a limit of 80 hours of forced overtime in a two-week period and allowed farmworkers the right to a 30-minute unpaid rest break every six hours. These are rights that other workers have had for over eighty years. Establishing worker protections for farmworkers would improve working conditions for some of the state’s most exploited workers who are disproportionately workers of color. This bill was passed by the Legislature but vetoed by Gov. Mills.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by the Legislature, Vetoed by the Governor)



21 Pro-labor 10 Anti-labor


73 Pro-labor 56 Anti-labor