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Legislative Scorecard

LD1333 -


An Act to Modify Rating Practices for Individual and Small Group Health Plans and To Encourage Value-based Purchasing of Health Care Services

Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Rep. Wesley Richardson (R – Warren)

What is the bill?

LD 1333 rolled back many of the health care consumer protections that Maine has enacted over the years. It allows insurance companies to charge higher rates based on age, geographic location, preexisting conditions, and occupation. Under this law, rates will increase for rural Mainers and it will undermine access to health care in rural parts of the state. The Maine AFL-CIO supports a universal, single-payer health care system – an expanded and improved Medicare for All where everyone’s in, nobody’s out. Unfortunately, LD 1333 moves Maine in the wrong direction. The Maine AFL-CIO did not testify on this bill, but we see it as harmful to working Mainers’ access to good, affordable health care.

What happened?
