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Legislative Scorecard

LD1880 - "Right to Work" for Less


An Act To Prohibit Mandatory Membership in a Union or Payment of Agency Fees as a Condition of Employment

LD1880 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by (Governor’s Bill) Sponsored by Representative Dustin White (R – Washburn)

What is the bill?

So called “Right to Work” laws are designed to weaken unions and drive down wages and working conditions. Under such laws, workers can contribute nothing to a union, yet gain all the benefits and full representation. Currently in Maine, in the private sector unions and employers can negotiate contracts where all workers who benefit from a collective bargaining agreement share in the costs of bargaining and representation. Under federal law, no worker is required to join a union, but unions have a duty of fair representation to represent all workers in a bargaining unit, whether they are members of not. LD 1880 would make it illegal for employers and employees to agree that all workers who benefit from a collective bargaining agreement share in the costs. The House defeated this bill largely along party lines.

What happened?

