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Legislative Scorecard

LD831 - So-called “Right to Work” - Private & Public Sectors


An Act To Prohibit Mandatory Membership in a Union or Payment of Agency Fees as a Condition of Employment

LD831 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Rep. Lawrence Lockman (R – Amherst)

What is the bill?

LD 831 would have made Maine a so-called “Right to Work” state. Such bills are designed to weaken unions and undercut workers’ ability to negotiate a decent contract. Unions are required by law to represent all workers fairly and equally whether they join the union or not. This bill would have made it illegal for workers and their employer to agree that all workers share the costs of collective bargaining and representation. This would allow workers to gain all the benefits of representation without sharing in any of the costs. Such bills also tend to drive down wages, working conditions and overall living standards in states. This bill was defeated in both the House and Senate.

What happened?

