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Legislative Scorecard

LD404 - Prohibits Payment of Dues by Payroll Deduction


An Act To Prohibit Public Employers from Acting as Collection Agents for Labor Unions

LD404 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by Representative Lawrence Lockman (R-Amherst)

What is the bill?

Many workers use payroll deduction to make charitable donations, loan and bill payments and to pay their union dues. LD 404 would have banned teachers, firefighters, bus drivers and other public sector union members from paying dues through payroll deduction. State employees with the Maine State Employees Association have used payroll deduction to pay dues since 1952. It is efficient and effective. There is no reason to ban this other than to make it harder for unions to function efficiently. This is a negotiated, contractual issue and should remain in the collective bargaining process. The bill was defeated in the House and Senate.

What happened?

