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Legislative Scorecard

LD1198 - Unemployment and Vacation Pay


An Act To Protect Earned Pay

LD1198 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Rep. Erin Herbig (D – Belfast)

What is the bill?

It is unfair for a worker who loses their job through no fault of their own to have their unemployment insurance delayed simply because they had earned vacation pay on the books. In 2012, the Legislature passed a bill that holds earned vacation pay against a worker, delaying his or her unemployment insurance week-for-week for each week of vacation pay over four weeks. LD 1198 would have fixed this, so workers who have earned vacation pay on the books would not be penalized. The bill passed the House and Senate and was vetoed by Governor LePage.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Vetoed by Governor LePage)
