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Legislative Scorecard

LD 1756 - Mandatory Captive Audience Meeting Ban


An Act to Protect Employee Freedom of Speech

LD 1756 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Senator Matthea Daughtry

What is the bill?

For too long, employers have exploited weak labor laws by forcing employees to attend captive audience meetings during union organizing drives. These mandatory meetings are held by the employer during work hours to pressure employees against forming a union, interrogate workers, sow division and disseminate anti-union materials designed to mislead and intimidate workers. Workers take jobs because we want to earn a living and because we believe in taking care of our patients, serving customers and making products that help people. We do not take jobs to have employers impose their views on us. LD 1756 prevents employers from using their economic authority over employees to violate our First Amendment freedom of speech and assembly. The bill allows workers to refuse to attend an employer meeting focused on union busting, politics or religion without fear of being disciplined or fired.

What happened?

Enacted into law (Passed by the Legislature, Signed by the Governor)



22 Pro-labor 9 Anti-labor


75 Pro-labor 66 Anti-labor