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Legislative Scorecard

LD182 - Ban on toxic flame retardants


An Act To Protect Firefighters by Establishing a Prohibition on the Sale and Distribution of New Upholstered Furniture Containing Certain Flame-retardant Chemicals

LD182 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by Representative Walter Kumiega (D-Deer Isle)

What is the bill?

Firefighters are getting cancer at rates significantly higher than the general public, and it is directly linked to the burning toxic chemicals they breathe in when fighting fires. These toxic flame retardants are used in upholstered furniture, but have been proven to not actually slow the spread of fires. LD 182 bans the sale of upholstered furniture in Maine that contains these toxic flame retardants beginning in 2018. The Professional Firefighters of Maine mobilized hundreds of their members, and the bill passed with wide margins in both chambers. Although Governor LePage vetoed LD 182, the Legislature sided with the firefighters and overrode the veto.

What happened?

Passed into Law
