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Legislative Scorecard

LD 2113 - Support During Shutdowns


An Act to Provide Relief to Federal Employees Affected by a Federal Shutdown

LD 2113 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by President Troy Jackson

What is the bill?

Federal and state employees in Maine maintain roads and our Navy submarines, protect children from abuse, provide Social Security benefits to seniors, protect aviation & public safety and much more. When political dysfunction in Washington shuts down the government -- or if State government gets shutdown during a budget standoff -- federal and state employees are forced to work without pay or furloughed. Workers struggle to pay for heat, feed their kids and pay their bills. LD 2113 would have provided access to no-interest loans for up to $6,000 per employee during shutdowns. LD 2113 was passed by both bodies, funded, but died on the final day of the legislative session.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by the Senate, Defeated in the House)



22 Pro-labor 13 Anti-labor


75 Pro-labor 66 Anti-labor