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Legislative Scorecard

LD591 - Yield to Bus


An Act To Require Motorists To Yield to Transit Buses

LD591 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by Senator Ben Chipman (D-Portland)

What is the bill?

Transit bus drivers who are members of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 714 brought forward LD 591. When a transit bus pulls over to drop off or pick up riders, they often have a difficult time re-entering traffic because motorists do not let them back onto the road. This is dangerous because cars attempt to speed past buses and the drivers often have to slam on their brakes, which has resulted in injuries to passengers and motorists. It also causes the bus to fall behind schedule, which is bad for working people who depend on public transportation to run on time. LD 591 would have given right of way to a transit bus that indicates it is merging back into traffic, requiring motorists to yield. Despite bi-partisan support, Gov. LePage vetoed the bill and the Senate failed to override the veto. Members of ATU 714 worked very hard to pass Yield to Bus and will be back in the future to try again.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Vetoed by Governor)
