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Legislative Scorecard

LD1846 - Voter ID


An Act To Require the Provision of Photographic I.D. by Voters

LD1846 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by (Governor’s Bill) Sponsored by Representative Bradlee Farrin (R – Norridgewock)

What is the bill?

The Maine AFL-CIO opposes measures designed to make voting more difficult including bills like this one to require voters to present valid photographic ID each time they vote. A significant number of Mainers, including the elderly, poor people and immigrants, do not have the required ID. Voting is a fundamental part of our democracy. The expansion of voting rights to most Americans and the removal of barriers to citizens’ voter participation – from literacy tests to poll taxes – has been a step forward for our democracy. Photo ID is a step in the wrong direction.

What happened?

