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Legislative Scorecard

LD1894 - Childcare Collective Bargaining Rights


An Act To Restore Departmental Management over Costs of State-paid Child Care

LD1894 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Sen. Earle McCormick (R – West Gardiner)

What is the bill?

A strong childcare system is essential to our children, working families and to Maine’s economy. In 2008, home-based child care providers sought a stronger voice to enhance the quality of the childcare system. They succeeded in passing legislation granting them the right to organize and to collectively bargain with the state over issues of critical importance to childcare providers including payment procedures, reimbursement rates, training needs & standards and more. They formed an association, Kids First, and successfully bargained with the state. LD 1894 repealed the collective bargaining rights of home-based childcare providers.

What happened?

Bill passed and signed by the Governor
