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Legislative Scorecard

LD 1636 - Right to Work for Less


An Act to Restore Workplace Freedom by Removing Mandatory Union Fees

LD 1636 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Senator Eric Brakey

What is the bill?

So called “right-to-work” laws are designed to weaken unions, drive down wages and allow workers to get the benefits of unions without paying dues. Currently in Maine in the private sector, unions and employers can negotiate contracts where all workers who benefit from a collective bargaining agreement share in the costs of bargaining and representation. LD 1636 would have made it illegal for employers and employees to agree that all workers who benefit from a collective bargaining agreement share in the costs. Under LD 1636, negotiating a contract with a union security clause would be a Class D crime, subject to civil damages and up to a year in jail. The bill was defeated on largely party line votes.

What happened?




22 Pro-labor 13 Anti-labor


76 Pro-labor 63 Anti-labor