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Legislative Scorecard

LD1609 - Minimum Wage Referendum Repeal


An Act to Support Maine’s Employers and Encourage Employers to Hire Young Workers

LD1609 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by Sen. Andre Cushing (R – Penobscot)

What is the bill?

The Maine AFL-CIO developed and supported the minimum wage referendum because the costs of housing, food and other necessities have gone up for years while wages have remained stagnant. In November of 2016, more than 420,000 Mainers – 56% of voters – voted to raise wages for working families, tie increases starting in 2021 to the cost of living, and phase out the subminimum minimum wage for tipped workers. Unfortunately, some legislators tried to overturn the voter approved referendum. LD 1609 would have lowered the minimum wage approved by voters and eliminated the annual cost of living adjustment to the minimum wage. LD 673 repealed the voter approved part of the referendum that ensured tipped workers a regular base wage plus tips. LD 673 passed the Legislature and was signed into law by the Governor. LD 1609 died between the House and Senate.

What happened?

