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Legislative Scorecard

LD390 - State Budget & Tax Fairness Referendum


State Budget & Tax Fairness Referendum

Sponsored by Sponsored by Representative Drew Gattine (D – Westbrook)

What is the bill?

In November of 2016, Maine voters passed Question 2 at the ballot. Question 2 asked “Do you want to add a 3% tax on individual Maine taxable income above $200,000 to create a state fund that would provide direct support for student learning in kindergarten through 12th grade public education?” After passage of Question 2, corporate CEOs and the wealthy hired lobbyists to convince legislators to overturn the will of the voters. The Maine AFL-CIO supported the House and Senate budget votes scored here that respected the will of the voters and upheld the tax fairness portion of the referendum by keeping the 3% surcharge on income above $200,000 in law. We are deeply disappointed that the will of the voters was ultimately overturned and that the wealthiest 2% in Maine were given a massive tax break.

What happened?
