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Legislative Scorecard

LD1553 - Union Recertification Elections


An Act To Protect the Rights of Public Employees To Determine Their Collective Bargaining Agent

LD1553 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Opposed

Sponsored by Sponsored by Sen. Andre Cushing (R – Penobscot)

What is the bill?

This bill would have required most public sector unions to hold recertification elections every two years about whether the local union should continue to exist. Unions already have regular elections for officers, stewards and other roles and members vote on union contracts and important decisions. This bill is the equivalent of holding state elections every two years not about who should represent us in the State Legislature or Congress, but about whether we should have a State Legislature or Congress at all, whether we should have a representative form of government at all. This bill is unnecessary, disruptive and insulting to worker’s intelligence and autonomy. It is little more than a politically motivated effort to weaken unions.

What happened?

