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Legislative Scorecard

LD 1015 - CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratio Reporting


An Act To Require Large Employers To Report Compensation Information

LD 1015 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by State Senator John Patrick (D – Rumford)

What is the bill?

In 1965, the average US CEO made 20 times the average worker. Today, CEOs make 331 times the average worker! This explosion in top executive pay is driving staggering levels of income and wealth inequality that hurt workers, our economy and our democracy. This bill would have required Maine’s largest employers to annually report the ratio between the pay of the highest paid executive and the lowest paid full-time worker. This would help address inequality and push much needed reform in corporate governance and compensation practices. The bill passed the House but failed in the Senate.

What happened?

