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Legislative Scorecard

LD1710 - Call Center Job Retention


An Act To Retain Call Centers in Maine

LD1710 bill text Maine AFL-CIO Supported

Sponsored by Sponsored by: Sen. Troy Jackson (D – Allagash)

What is the bill?

Thousands of Mainers are employed in call centers. In recent years, call center companies have opened in Maine, received tax breaks and then moved jobs out of state or out of the country, putting scores of Maine people out of work. LD 1761 would have ensured that Maine tax dollars aren’t going to support the offshoring of jobs and would have required that all call center work done by a state agency be performed within the State. The bill also made information about corporate offshoring public. The bill was passed by the Legislature but died on the Appropriations table.

What happened?

Defeated (Passed by Legislature, Died in Appropriations Committee)
